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Explain Why Questions in Transition Elements - Inorganic chemistry questions and answers (Part 2)

 Explain Why Questions in Transition Elements - Inorganic chemistry questions and answers (Part 2)

Explain Why Questions in Transition Elements

1.      Sc dissolves in NaOH.


Because Sc is amphoteric and can dissolve in bases like NaOH


2.     (+III) oxidation state of group IIIB elements do not have strong tendency to form complexes.


Because of their large size that smaller elements complex better than large elements.


3.     Sc from complexes more than group IIB elements.


Due to its small size.


4.     The metals of group IIIB are difficult to separate


Due to their high melting point, also they react with water and their oxides are stable so that thermite reaction cannot be used


5.     Actinium is rare to found.


Because Actinium found in two isotopes, which are both intensely radioactive with half-life periods of 6 hours and 22 years so that any actinium present when earth was formed will have long decayed.


6.     Lanthanum salts are used as biological tracer.


This because La3+ appears to replace Ca2+ in conduction of nerve impulses along the axon of nerve cells, and in structure promoting in cell membrane, this because La3+ and Ca2+ are similar in size and La3+ is readily detected by electron spin resonance


7.      TI3+ is more reducing than Sn2+ or (+III) oxidation state of group IVB is reducing.


Because (+III) oxidation state of titanium group is relatively unstable and the elements of this group have high tendency to +IV oxidation state, so they act as reducing agents to reach the most stable (+IV) state


8.     The compounds of oxidation state (+II) of group IVB are strong reducing agents that they reduce water.


Because (+II) oxidation state of titanium group is very unstable and the elements of this group have high tendency to (+IV) oxidation state so they act as strong reducing agents to reach the most stable (+IV) state.



9.     Hf and Zr have similar chemical properties or Separartion of Zr and Hf is difficult.


Because the expected increase in size from Zr to Hf is cancelled by the decrease in size because of filling of the 4f level (lanthanide contraction) so they have similar size and properties.


10. The metals of group IVB are passive or unreactive at room temperature.


Due to the formation of thin impermeable oxide film on the metal surface, so they are unaffected by acids or alkalis at room temperature.


11. TiO2 is better than white lead in use as a white pigment in paint.


Because TiO2 is nontoxic


12. Ti4+ ions is not found in solution


Because the charge/radius ratio is too high


13.The reaction of TiO2 with acids does not give Ti4+ ions in solution.


Because the charge/radius ratio is too high, and basic salts are formed


  14. ZrO2 is used for making high temperature crucibles and furnace linings.


Because on strong heating ZrO2 becomes very hard and its high melting point of 2700 °C and resistance to chemical attack make it useful for making high temperature crucibles and furnace linings.


15. Zr4+ ions are not found in solution


Because the charge/radius ratio is too high


16. ZrOCl2 is used in qualitative analysis to remove any phosphate present which would interfere with the analysis of metals.


Because ZrOCl2 contains the ion [Zr4 (OH)8(H2O)16]8+. This is used in qualitative analysis to remove any phosphate present which would interfere with the analysis of metals since zirconium phosphate is insoluble.


17.Ti(IV) solutions can be used for the colorimetric determination of H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide)


Because Ti (IV) solutions form an intense yellow-orange color with of H2O2 this can be used for the colorimetric determination of H2O2


18. ZrCl4 hydrolysis in water is incomplete


Because the zirconium oxychloride is stable



19. All the (+III) compounds of group IVB are colored.


Because all the (+III) compounds have a d1 configuration and are colored and paramagnetic.


20. TiX3 compounds in water yields two complexes with different colors which then disproportionate to TiX2  and TiX4


The different colors because the six ligands may be either six water molecules, or five water molecules and one chloride ion. This give different crystal field splitting of the d level

21. Zr and Hf found only a solid


Because Zr and Hf are unstable in water


22.Hf occurs in zirconium ores and they are difficult to separate.


Because Hafnium is very similar to zirconium because of lanthanide contraction.


23.Ti metal is not easy to extract


Because of its high melting point and because it reacts readily with air, oxygen, nitrogen carbon and hydrogen at elevated temperatures


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